Decro large animals

Etisense provides a non-invasive telemetry solution for the acquisition of ECG, respiratory endpoints and activity intensity from freely moving, single or group housed large animals such as dogs or minipigs/ pigs

The solution allows the simultaneous evaluation of ECG and pulmonary measurements without confounding effects of surgery or anesthesia. It can be used in drug development, safety pharmacology, toxicology studies and to investigate cardiac, respiratory and neurodegenerative effects in disease models. 

Explore how our DECRO jackets are making research simpler and more effective.

DECRO Large Animals

Pig wearing the decro telemetry jacket
dog wearing the decro telemetry jacket

Key Features

Our DECRO cardiorespiratory monitoring solution combines innovative jackets, hardware, and software to deliver reliable performance and seamless integration for research on large animals: 

  • One-size-fits-all jacket design: Adapts to animals of various sizes for a secure and comfortable fit. 
  • Integrated breathing belts: Allows accurate tracking of respiratory signals without belt movement throughout the study period.
  • Single garment: No undershirt or overshirt required, simplifying the setup process.  
  • High-quality signal acquisition: Ensures accurate and reliable cardiac and respiratory data collection. 
  • Unified hardware and software: The same DECRO hardware and software are used across species, ensuring consistent data acquisition and analysis, simplifying workflows, and reducing the learning curve. 

If you have any questions or would like to resquest a quote, feel free to reach out to us. 

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