Activity Monitoring


Activity assessment and movement analysis

DECRO makes it possible to evaluate the level of activity of equipped animals by measuring the acceleration forces created by the animal’s movements. The measured parameter enriches analyses in many areas, such as:
  • Contextualize an effect.  For example, determining whether an increase in heart rate is related to animal excitation or the effect of an administered product (BAUDET et al. 2021; Clavier et al. 2021).
  • Evaluate changes in spontaneous activity or chronobiological cycles of animals by analyzing periods of activity or inactivity according to defined thresholds.
  • Enable the evaluation of activity-related caloric expenditure (estimated parameter: EEA for Activity Energy Expenditure) (Gleiss et al. 2011), using accelerometry, known to be a proxy for energy expenditure.
  • Filter and exclude / select specific data based on animal activity.

Physiological parameters calculated

  • Activity index (mg)
  • Behavior (spontaneous activity, chronobiology...)

Example of activity signal recorded on a freely moving animal in a cage

Example of activity signal recorded on a free moving animal in a cage

The activity signal above is recorded during a resting and active phase from an adult Sprague Dawley male rat, dressed with DECRO jacket.

Baudet, S., Vial, J., Ravaz, M., Roger, V., Bory, C., & Flenet, T. (2021). Feasibility of non-Invasive monitoring of Respiratory, ECG and Activity Parameters in Pair-Housed Freely-Moving Adult Male Rats using a Jacketed External Telemetry System (DECRO®) : evaluation of the pharmacological effects of a reference compound. In 2021 Annual Meeting Safety Pharmacology Society. Bruxelles (Virtual).

Clavier, L., Maffre, V., Cambier, A., Flénet, T., & Diop, L. (2021). Evaluation of respiratory depression induced by fentanyl in rats using the DECRO jacketed telemetry. In 2021 Annual Meeting Safety Pharmacology Society. Bruxelles (Virtual).

Fares, R., Flénet, T., Vial, J., Ravaz, M., Roger, V., Bory, C., & Baudet, S. (2022). Non Invasive Jacketed Telemetry in Socially-Housed Rats for a Combined Assessment of Respiratory System, Electrocardiogram and Activity Using the Decro System. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Gleiss, A. C., Wilson, R. P., & Shepard, E. L. C. (2011). Making overall dynamic body acceleration work: On the theory of acceleration as a proxy for energy expenditure. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2(1), 23–33.

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