A unique cardiorespiratory monitoring solution for translationnal research, committed to better science and welfare
DECRO solution GLP compliant
Etisense participe au congrès du Printemps de la Cardiologie 2024 à Lille du 1 au 3 juillet
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DECRO® by Etisense - Jacketed Monitoring for Life Sciences

ETISENSE is a French biomedical engineering company, specialized in developing physiological monitoring instruments. The journey started with the idea that physiological monitoring should be simple and non-invasive to face the challenges of a modern and ethical medical research.

Our first product is DECRO, an external instrumented jacket, aiming to fill a gap and help improving medical research by providing research teams an innovative tool to monitor cardiac (external ECG) and respiratory function and activity index in laboratory animals, from small mammals to larger animals like minipigs, capable of providing fast and robust endpoints.

Why choosing DECRO?

With DECRO, access to non-invasive physiological parameters becomes easy and rapid

An innovative Physiological Monitoring Solution for a wide range of applications

DECRO solution provides high definition, quality and reliability for the recording of external ECG, respiratory plethysmography and triaxial accelerometer in conscious, freely moving and socially-housed animals, with no signal loss or cross-talk. 

Research & Education

Safety-Pharmacology & Toxicology

Cardiac Monitoring

Respiratory Monitoring

Spontaneous Activity

From your needs to the success of your studies

Because each study is unique, DECRO solution can adapt to your needs (study types, animal species, number of animals to monitor simultaneously…). We would be happy to exchange with you and help you find the best way to face your challenges.

Discover the publications and use cases done with DECRO